The characteristics outdoor shoes soles depend greatly on the terrain that must be faced. A soft compound and a design with barely visible grooves favor lightness and flexibility and therefore find preference for footwear to be used on regular paths.
On the contrary, a more compact compound and a more aggressive design are suitable for soles that must convey safety on rock, wet, muddy and snowy paths.
Hiking / Trekking / Approach / Alpinism / Ski Alpinism
Grip / Durability / Traction/ Lightweight / Ecofeeling
Work shoes soles are developed with technical characteristics and materials that must absolutely meet the needs of the technical specifications provided because they must help protect the foot from any dangers to which the worker is subjected.
Utility / Horeca & Healthcare / Heavy Duty / Building and construction/ Manufactory
Grip / Grip on ice / Durability / Traction / Lightweight / Flame resistance / Oil Resistance / Antistatic / ESD / Eco-feeling
Footwear soles dedicated to the Lifestyle and Fashion world are developed to meet the needs of the most sophisticated designs.
The main technologies of Frasson Spa Group allow it to develop multi-material products with great impact.
Sneakers/ Pump/ Flat shoes/ High heels/ Sandals/ Bridal
Style/ Comfort/ Durability/ Eco-feeling
The soles for the Defense & Rescue markets are developed to protect and guarantee performance even in the most extreme situations. An example of this are the soles developed for the Fire Fighters world or those developed for the defence/tactical world.
Firefighting / Army / Oil & Gas
Grip / Grip on ice / Durability / Traction / Lightweight / Flame resistance / Oil Resistance / Antistatic / ESD / Eco-feeling
P.IVA 03397900261